Exhibition > SME Export Marketing Fund

SME Export Marketing Fund

What is the SME Export Marketing Fund?

The SME Export Marketing Fund (EMF) offered by the Government of Hong Kong Special Administration Region aims at helping small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong to expand their businesses through active participation in export promotion activities. The fund provides financial assistance to cover up to 50% of the total approved expenditure of exhibition expense.

Who is eligible to apply?

How to apply?

Important Considerations to Keep in Mind

When applying for funding or grants, it is important to use your official company full name in all application forms and documents, including the BIOHK2025 contract and the name displayed on your exhibition booth. Your company’s legal name is the name that is registered with the government and is recognised as the official name of your business. Using your official company name on your application form ensures that your application is properly processed and that you are eligible for the funding you are seeking.

Failing to use your official company name can result in delays or even rejection of your application. It is important to double-check all application forms and documents to ensure that your official company name is used consistently and accurately.